
This program offers services for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

CSS Healthcare Services offers services for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families within the metro-Atlanta area and surrounding counties. Services are authorized through the Division of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD). The individual’s services are based on the service descriptions identified through the NOW & COMP which is a Medicaid waiver that provides individuals with developmental disabilities the opportunity to receive services within their community.

The purpose of this waiver is to provide community supports to individuals with developmental disabilities in hopes that they will build relationships and benefit from supports through;

Community Living Supports (CLS) are provided to individuals who, if given assistance, can reside in their own homes and need training and/or assistance. Assistance is provided by a direct support professional.

Community Residential Alternative Services (CRA) offers safety and comfort to the individuals we serve, while providing peace of mind for loved ones CRA homes are designed to provide the comfort of a home setting with a care provider and one (1) to three (3) roommates. This arrangement offers a more structured environment with 24- hour supervision.

Behavior Support Management (BSM) is inclusive with services provided, if needed, and applies to individuals receiving CLS & CRA services. A team approach is used in the development of Behavior Support and Positive Behavior Support Plan (PBSP).

NOW &  COMP Waiver Services Include:

  • Community Living Support (CLS)
  • Community Residential Alternative (CRA)
  • Respite
  • Individualized Community Access (CAI)
  • Group Community Access (CAG)
  • Behavior Support Management (BSM)